Involving the pattern community as a whole.

Martin X. Moleski, SJ moleski at
Wed Dec 11 13:23:44 AKST 2002

--On Wednesday, December 11, 2002 1:38 PM -0700 Larry Ott 
<lott at> wrote:

> ... Truce (waving white flag)


Sorry if I didn't make my meaning clear in the first post.

In a democracy, not everybody gets to vote on
everything.  Only those who have the right to
vote.  I can't vote in the Senate.  I'm not
a Senator.  Non-U.S. citizens can't vote.
Young citizens can't vote.  Criminals guilty
of felonies can't vote.

When and if the NSRCA gets the right to
draw up contest schedules, it will have to
consult all interested AMA members.

But (in my view) the NSRCA has the right to
consult NSRCA members about issues relevant
to NSRCA policy.  It has the right and the
obligation to survey its own members to find
out what they think.  In surveys like that,
non-members need not apply.

				Marty #2874 (2002 paid-in-full)

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