Transferring from drawing to wood

Martin X. Moleski, SJ moleski at
Tue Feb 11 04:35:47 AKST 2003


> My next project for this winter  will be scratch build and involve
> transferring parts (bulkhead and ribs in particular) from the drawing to
> balsa and ply.  What is the preferred method to do so?

I'll tell you what I do, though I don't think it is
the "preferred" method.

I xerox the plans, then glue them to poster board.
I cut out the parts from the posterboard, then
trace them onto wood.

This means it takes me twice as long as people who
transfer the plans to the wood immediately.  But
it means that I can trace replacement parts more
easily or build a second plane somewhere down the
road with less hassle.

Watch out for copiers.  They all seem to distort
in one direction or the other.  :o(

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