Arresti Finished

Jerry Budd jbudd at QNET.COM
Sat Mar 6 15:51:41 AKST 2004

Bob, where's the wheel pants?   : )

>All that's left is the test flight.  Crooked as an old gnarly oak, 
>weighs right at 11 lbs...has a Perry pump on the OS 1.60 now, Mac's 
>1092 @ 19"pipe, turns 8500 w/ 17 x 12N, and it's all working. 
>Throttle servo on beams has done well through about a gallon of 
>ground runs...seems fine.  Mount hasn't sagged - lock nuts on the 
>back of the well nuts inside the firewall did the trick there 
>(Thanks Ron Lockhart/Rick Wallace!)
>     Weather permitting we'll launch tomorrow.
>Here's all the pics....
>Bob Pastorello, Oklahoma
>NSRCA 199, AMA 46373
><mailto:rcaerobob at>rcaerobob at

Jerry Budd
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