OS 1.4 RX Header and Pipe installation in Focus II

Robert Harden rharden1 at cox.net
Thu Sep 15 15:05:03 AKDT 2005

Ok, I hear Aeroslave is a good choice from others too.  Thanks for your 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Anthony Romano" <anthonyr105 at hotmail.com>
To: <rharden1 at cox.net>; <rodney19821982 at yahoo.com>
Cc: <discussion at nsrca.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: OS 1.4 RX Header and Pipe installation in Focus II

> My vote is the Aeroslave. Cheaper, better transition and should prove to 
> be more durable.
> Anthony
>>From: "Robert Harden" <rharden1 at cox.net>
>>To: "Rodney Tanner" <rodney19821982 at yahoo.com>
>>CC: <discussion at nsrca.org>
>>Subject: Re: OS 1.4 RX Header and Pipe installation in Focus II
>>Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 16:45:05 -0500
>>Thanks for the suggestion to use the ES or Aeroslave Pipe in the setup.
>>Was wondering what the group experience shows is the best of these pipes 
>>with the OS 1.4 RX?  I would like to know the experiences in pipe length 
>>for each of these too.
>>   ----- Original Message -----
>>   From: Rodney Tanner
>>   To: Robert Harden
>>   Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 6:23 PM
>>   Subject: Re: OS 1.4 RX Header and Pipe installation in Focus II
>>   Bob,
>>   http://www.escomposites.com/products.htm
>>   http://www.aeroslave.com/
>>   The standard OS pipe is on the heavy side: 5-6 oz.
>>   The ES and Aeroslave pipes are around 3 ozs and work very well on the 
>> OS 140.
>>   Rodney Tanner
>>   Robert Harden <rharden1 at cox.net> wrote:
>>     I would like some advise for installing a header and pipe in a Focus 
>> II.  I have the OS 1.4 RX engine, the OS 72102100  Header and the OS 
>> T-6010 Tuned Silencer.  My problem is that the header has interference 
>> with the firewall. I don't really want to remove material from the 
>> firewall to gain clearance.  Is there another header that I could use? 
>> My other question is if the OS Tuned Silencer is the best choice?  I also 
>> would like to know what the length should be if the tuned silencer is 
>> used.  I am planning to use an APC 17 X 13 prop and Magnum # 1  2 cycle 
>> fuel (approx 23% nitro).  All suggestions are welcome.
>>     Bob Harden

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