[NSRCA-discussion] Plane Gaze

R. LIPRIE RLIPRIE at centurytel.net
Tue Feb 6 15:12:08 AKST 2007

I wanted everyone to see this poem some man from Nederland wrote.  I read and posted it in my rc airplane hangar.

The Plane Gaze

As I watch the rains come down,

I can see all of my friend's faces, all with frowns.

Here goes another day that we can't fly,

We just gaze through the windows,

And begin to sigh. 

Yes the sky is wet and our feelings are hurt,

Mother Nature has dumped on us something,

We can't divert.

I guess we should use this time for something needy,

But we will probably sit, sulk, and wine like weenies.

We could take care of bills and prepare our taxes,

Or straighten up the house and dispose of old faxes.

You know this would be a good time for family fun,

Like Yahtzee, cards or just snuggling with your Hun.

You know there is nothing more that I would rather do,

Than spend my time off here with you, but, 

Hold it dear, is that blue skies I see,

Yes the rain has stopped and I grin with glee.

I'll see you later, I say while heading out the door, 

I'll be back around dark, as my truck engine starts to roar.

The cell phone's speed dial is put to the test,

As all of my buddies are awoke from their rest.

As the gate swings open and the crowd starts to gather,

The planes are fueled up and the servos start to chatter.

The wheels start to roll and the planes become light,

As they take to the air, today's first flight.

We share memories of some good friends past,

And wish they could be with us to see the next pass.

Another great afternoon of friendship and flying,

If only we could keep the weather and our wives from crying.

                                                         By, Perry Sumrall
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