[NSRCA-discussion] DX7?

glmiller3 at suddenlink.net glmiller3 at suddenlink.net
Thu Nov 1 13:36:28 AKDT 2007


I used a DX7 all season flying intermediate in my Pinnacle E  and had no problems.  As someone has already said, the trims are a little coarse and there is no throttle curve for airplane mode, but otherwise it is a bulletproof system.  I found the available mixes adequate and have some to spare if needed.    I'm looking forward to getting my 9303X (nudge to Tony), but I  can't say that I was held back by any lack of features on the DX7.


---- John Ferrell <johnferrell at earthlink.net> wrote: 
> I have been taking a serious look at the Spectrum DX7 Radio for Pattern. Are there any features that a pattern flyer might find lacking?
> I understand the AR7000 is the right receiver, but what are the range limitations when the AR6000 is used?
> John Ferrell    W8CCW
> "Life is easier if you learn to plow 
>        around the stumps"
> http://DixieNC.US

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