[NSRCA-discussion] Rudder servo wheel part 2

John Konneker jlkonn at hotmail.com
Tue May 20 15:29:09 AKDT 2008

Let's see if I understand this...
Jason runs a wheel on his rudder servo and straight cables and he won FAI at the Nats.
Since you have been  running a wheel on your rudder servo with straight cables you are winning Master's class in the contests you fly.
Does anyone else see the correlation?
Where do I get one of these rudder servo wheels?

From: cjm767driver at hotmail.comTo: nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.orgDate: Tue, 20 May 2008 17:44:17 -0500Subject: [NSRCA-discussion] Rudder servo wheel part 2

I have the rudder servo setup now with the Hangar 9 servo wheel. The cables from the servo to the rudder are not crossed and run straight back. My question is that it would seem that crossing the cables would actually be a good idea when using a wheel since that would increase the angle that the cable meets the wheel and make it less likely for the cable to get derailed. Does anyone who is using a wheel have any input? Should I just leave them straight or cross them? By the way, the cables are not inside any tubes and would be rubbing together if I crossed them.ThanksChris

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