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<DIV><FONT face=Arial>Buddy:<BR><BR>There are no "NSRCA" proposals. There
is no place on the form to send it as such. Each proposal has to be
submitted by a PERSON, not organization with two co-signers.
<DIV><FONT face=Arial></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial>This was addressed in the survey, but was left for Ron to
work out the details. Apparently, AMA is using the lack of completeness
issue to not allow it to be submitted. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial>I don't really know anymore details, other than Ron did
send it to the NSRCA board for input, and received none, at least that's what he
told me. So, perhaps we are all to blame as Ron said. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial>The issue now is to decide which is the best way to
proceed to get this resolved in our favor. I am not on the NSRCA board
until Jan 15, so the current leadership will have to step in and see what can be
done. Hopefully, and extension of time will be allowed, and some specific
problem issues that AMA has can be addressed and resolved. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Tony Stillman<BR>Radio South, Inc.<BR>3702 N. Pace Blvd.<BR>Pensacola, Fl
style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
style="BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: black"><B>From:</B>
<A title=buddybrammer35@hotmail.com
href="mailto:buddybrammer35@hotmail.com">Buddy Brammer</A> </DIV>
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A title=discussion@nsrca.org
href="mailto:discussion@nsrca.org">discussion@nsrca.org</A> </DIV>
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Monday, December 09, 2002 11:39
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> RE: Annex rules proposals</DIV>
<P>What is the time line on the revised submission and who will handle the
<P>Will we be allowed time by AMA to accomplish this?</P>
<P>I thought that all of the approved rules change survey items were to be
submitted by NSRCA not as individual personal change request's why was
this not done?</P>
<P>Buddy Brammer</P>
<P>AMA-3889 NSRCA-1810 </P>
<P><BR><BR> </P></DIV>
<DIV></DIV>>Reply-To: discussion@nsrca.org
"'discussion@nsrca.org'" <DISCUSSION@NSRCA.ORG>
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: RE: Annex rules proposals
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 12:18:22 -0500
<DIV></DIV>>-----Original Message-----
<DIV></DIV>>From: Henderson,Eric
<DIV></DIV>>Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 12:11 PM
<DIV></DIV>>To: 'discussion@nsrca.org'
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Annex rules proposals
<DIV></DIV>>Before you all "go off!" on could ask you all to take a moment
to read the
<DIV></DIV>>I spoke with the AMA on this subject.
<DIV></DIV>>Please bear in mind that this was submitted as a private
proposal and not an
<DIV></DIV>>NSRCA proposal. The NSRCA survey asked the questions to help
Ron with this
<DIV></DIV>>proposal but the AMA needs a lot more in the actual proposal to
persuade it
<DIV></DIV>>to .change.
<DIV></DIV>>The primary reason for the rejection of Ron's proposal was that
the proposal
<DIV></DIV>>was incomplete. In particular it did not appear to address the
<DIV></DIV>>- Schedule design process (we need a system like the exercise
that Troy did
<DIV></DIV>>for example)
<DIV></DIV>>- Selection of schedule - (K-factor Ballot for example)
<DIV></DIV>>- Approval process - ( A big issue - who should have this
<DIV></DIV>>- Cycle of change that would be applied (Needs to be very
<DIV></DIV>>- Which classes would be targeted ( 401-403 stability versus
Masters need
<DIV></DIV>>for refreshing of interest)
<DIV></DIV>>- Role of AMA Contest board - (This is a big deal for all of us
<DIV></DIV>>- Annex document printing and management. (Who does this, who
maintains it,
<DIV></DIV>>and on what cycle and at what cost?)
<DIV></DIV>>The proposal also needs to have compelling logic to persuade
and achieve
<DIV></DIV>>change. For IMAC they had the need to mirror IAC scale model
<DIV></DIV>>My advice is that we should not focus on how hard it may or may
not have
<DIV></DIV>>been to get the AMA to change. To put it in perspective we have
done very
<DIV></DIV>>well with our proposals in the last few years. We lost one in
<DIV></DIV>>review and one maneuver.
<DIV></DIV>>We really should focus on what we are trying to fix.To make a
change of this
<DIV></DIV>>nature you need to have a reason that would repair a problem,
cause a
<DIV></DIV>>positive change in attendance at contests etc. Just the fact
that we want
<DIV></DIV>>to do this is not enough - never has been enough!
<DIV></DIV>>Steve Kaluf took it to the AMA board because he was not
comfortable with it
<DIV></DIV>>for the above reasons.
<DIV></DIV>>I would suggest that it was not a good approach to get the
discussion list
<DIV></DIV>>all stirred up with this item. It does not work well when you
put ANY person
<DIV></DIV>>or organization in a corner. A better approach would be to
rewrite the
<DIV></DIV>>proposal with all of the above issues addressed. Put it out for
<DIV></DIV>>(NSRCA members who are AMA members) full vote. Then we can go
to the AMA
<DIV></DIV>>with something that we have voted on, worked on as a group, and
<DIV></DIV>>with a much better democratically and supported proposal.
<DIV></DIV>>The AMA invitation BTW basically is to resubmit with all of the
<DIV></DIV>>questions addressed.
<DIV></DIV></DIV><BR clear=all>
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