<DIV>Does this show up in the Servo display, the screen that shows servo motion? Seems like it should.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Brian<BR><BR><B><I>Peter Pennisi <pentagon.systems@bigpond.com></I></B> wrote:</DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Hi all,<BR><BR>My transmitter has recently developed a weird problem and only seems to be<BR>affected on the elevator channel (Mode 1)<BR><BR>What happens is when I move the elevator gimbals to approximately 95% down<BR>elevator the servo will reverse to up elevator. <BR><BR>I have checked all my mixes and programming and can confirm this is not the<BR>problem area. I have also checked all my flight systems and the problem is<BR>not there.<BR><BR>I have cross checked everything and the consensus leads to a problem in the<BR>transmitter. My new model has dual elevator servo's and the problem causes<BR>both servo's to reverse so that <BR>Confirms the problem is in
the transmitter.<BR><BR>The problem is evident on all 6 models programmed in my transmitter.<BR><BR>I initially thought the problem was a faulty or dirty elevator pot but some<BR>tests I recently carried out don't convince me this is the problem. My<BR>suspicions are that I may have a cable problem somewhere between<BR>The elevator pot and the main processor board so I have since ordered a<BR>replacement set of ribbon cables.<BR><BR>I know most of you are asking yourself why not send the radio in to a proper<BR>service centre. We just don't have people in Australia that I trust enough<BR>to carry out any work with Futaba systems. I guess if all else fails<BR>I will send it to Japan at great cost.<BR><BR>Anyway I recently became aware of another local WC2 transmitter which has<BR>exactly the same problem as mine. Now I am starting to think that this may<BR>be a common problem. Has anyone else on this mailing list ever experienced <BR>a similar
problem?<BR><BR><BR>Regards,<BR><BR>Peter<BR><BR><BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR>NSRCA-discussion mailing list<BR>NSRCA-discussion@lists.nsrca.org<BR>http://lists.nsrca.org/mailman/listinfo/nsrca-discussion<BR></BLOCKQUOTE> <DIV><BR></DIV><p>
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