[NSRCA-discussion] Inspection & Weighing

Bob Kane getterflash at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 4 05:50:06 AKDT 2009

I agree, trying to compare ourselves to any other AMA NATS event is a slippery slope. Let's clean our own house and not worry about anybody else.

Since I fall squarely in the "social" NATS category I would certainly volunteer to tech inspect aircraft prior to any official flying. I'm not going to gain much by getting a few last practice fllights in.

As for the possibility of cheating, well, we can only do so much.  A quick check to insure the batteries installed at measurement time are capable of a full flight for whatever class the pilot has entered.  I can't imagine saving much weight with a smaller tank for nitro planes, but same thing goes.

 Bob Kane
getterflash at yahoo.com

From: Bill's Email <wemodels at cox.net>
To: General pattern discussion <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 9:32:09 AM
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Inspection & Weighing

 Joe Lachowski wrote: 

>> A lot of the soaring guys fly multiple events. I know there was talk
>of eliminating two meter some years ago too. Some of the sailplane
>events require 2 days and they cram a bunch of rounds in each day with
>a lot more planes in the air at one time than we have. Just think
>unlimited had around 100 people flying to complete an event in a two
>day period.
>>On the other end of the spectrum,  you also need to look at some of the
>control line events where there are only a handful of entrants.

Bottom line is soaring gets over 300 paid entries. And before you start
down the road of the numbers game think about Free Flight. They
traditionally attract the largest number of entries, so maybe they
should argue that RC should be cut down more.

If 2-meter is cut or eliminated the thinking is to give that time, or
at least a day of it, to a different event, RES, which is growing

Joe did not mention that his brother is over in the Czech Republic
right now representing the US on out F3B World Team, so he knows a bit
about soaring if only by association.

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